Suicide- warning signs
Suicide is the act of taking one’s own life.India reported an average 381 deaths by suicide daily in 2019, totalling 1,39,123 fatalities over the year, according to the latest National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data.
Causes: While the cause of suicide is unknown, some common risk factors include:
#major psychiatric illness - in particular, mood disorders (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia)
#substance abuse (primarily alcohol abuse)
#family history of suicide
#long term difficulties with relationships with friends and family
#losing hope or the will to live
#significant losses in a person's life, such as the death of a loved one, loss of an important relationship, loss of employment or self-esteem
#unbearable emotional or physical pain
Warning signs:
A person who is at risk of committing suicide usually shows signs - whether consciously or unconsciously - that something is wrong. These may include the following:
- Social isolation: Withdrawal from social settings and activities.
- Change in mood: Experiencing sadness and hopelessness majority of the time.
- Lack of interest in previous activities, or in their surroundings.
- Physical changes, like lack of energy, different sleep patterns, change in weight or appetite.
- Lack of self-esteem, self doubt, negative comments about self- worth.
- Bringing up death or suicide in discussions or in writing. Many people believe that even though a person might talk about suicide, they will not actually do it. In fact, talking about suicide is a warning sign that the person is at greater risk.
- Previous suicide attempts. A prior suicide attempt is the single most important risk factor for suicide in the general population.
- Getting personal affairs in order, such as giving away possessions, or having a pressing interest in personal wills or life insurance.
- Sometimes its difficult to spot these warning signs as some individuals mask their feelings with excessive energy. Agitation, hyperactivity, and restlessness may indicate an underlying depression that is being concealed by the person.
If you become so overwhelmed by your problems that suicide becomes a consideration, you deserve to be taken seriously. Talking about suicide means that the potential exists to take your own life - even if you do not actually do it. Denial will not make the threat of suicide disappear and can only leave you feeling more alone and in anguish. If you are having thoughts of suicide, see your doctor or a counsellor for help.
Getting treatment:
Individuals considering suicide should have a professional evaluation by a family physician or mental health professional to consider any of the following treatments:
Medical intervention: If the individual experiences suicidal thoughts due to any biological conditions they should resolve them by consulting a qualified medical practitioner like a psychiatrist.
Psychotherapy: (e.g., counselling, marital therapy). In India, Clinical psychologists registered with RCI are considered qualified to provide psychotherapy. We at Samarth psychotherapy and counseling center, provide these services online and offline.
Nishi Shah, Psychologist
Harshita Murai, Psychologist
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